

Spiritual Warrior Circle


Our History

The Circle - The Beginning

The Circle - Now

About Us

Moon Bear

Grey Wolf


The Circle - The Beginning

This circle got its start a few months after Thundercloud was called to the Petrified Sea Gardens in Upstate New York. This was in 1993 the summer, he called me to come from Long Island where I lived to Branchville where he lived then get him to the Sea Gardens. That weekend we were going to build a Medicine Wheel.

I got us there in late afternoon on Friday, Grandfather told me to go walk around and find the place for my camp, so I did. I walked across a 500million year old reef and found a clearing with a tree lined path down the middle of it. I chose a spot on the left side of the left clearing under the bows of a big pine. The ground was thick with needles, this makes a good mattress soft sleeping. I went back to Grandfather and told him where I would camp, he said, “Good, you are right across form the wheel.” That night Grandfather slept at a host house off sight. I tried to sleep but felt a pull to the reef, I got up grabbed my flute and went to sit on this reef fossil of ancient life. Circles within circles within circles, that is what the reef looks like. I played my flute for the spirits of this place, and began to pray, then listen for inspiration. In time the sun woke me up, so much for a soft bed. That morning I told Grandfather this felt like home more than any place I had ever been. I was going to sell my Business and move up to serve this place. He smiled and said, “Good, a living circle for all this land. Teach well, grow strong, serve well.” That is it. By September 3, 1993, it was done. I was in the Park, and the circle started with the next New Moon phase and the people that were staying there that summer in the park.

So there it is, the birth of a circle. To say any more would be bragging. Come to ceremony and experience the rest.

                                          Love & Light to all Moon Bear


The Circle Now

At this time in the evolution of all things the circle now is being held at our home.

The Petrified Sea Gardens Is closed due to the people who think they own the land. For reasons not of our own we had to move the circle and our home. Grey Wolf and I have bought a mobile home in a nice little park in Greenfield Center.

We are honored to invite all to come spend some ceremony time with us, and bless this place with the experience of you, teach and learn with the rest of us. Come join us at our gatherings as we celebrate Grandmother Moon and Father Sun in their journeys through the Heavens.

Love and Light for all Moonbear & Grey Wolf


About Us

Moon Bear

I am a young teacher of one of the paths the Spiritual Warrior must follow to achieve personal peace with honor.

I have traveled the world in my many types of work to make money while living in the throws of alcoholism. This was the life of the brave, then We found our way back to Creator.

For some time now, since 1990, We have spent the time learning from and working for Creator, and as many elders as time has allowed in South, Central, and North Americas.

The Elders are on the other planes of existence now, this does not mean we have lost their wisdom, at least we have some of it within us. Spirit has said to me that We must teach this knowledge with those who come, and honor them.

We studied with mountain and jungle Shamans for many years as well, and We are melding this knowledge into ways of helping people to remember that they are sacred and so is everyone and everything.

We are a member of a Warrior Society; our focus is to work with people who are preparing to cross over so they can accept the change in peace.

With the people who are in grief over a loss, to help them move beyond that place.

Most importantly we work with the warriors, the ones who know death from all sides but one. We help them to understand and accept the last job, then step back into life, as a new person with pride, peace, and love.

We are also an ordained Minister with a PHD in Religion from the Universal Life Church.

Most of all I am a human being, and a spirit being, trying to walk in balance. We live to serve Creator and that means helping others by making ceremony available to all who seek. We will try to teach what We have been taught about walking as the peaceful warrior.

Well that is a little about me so come to ceremony sometime and learn more and share some with Creator, Earth Mother, and the rest of us all.

Love & Light for all. Moonbear


Grey Wolf

One day back in 1999 my ex-husband’s cousin brought us to a lodge ceremony at the Petrified Sea Gardens led by Moon Bear. It was my first time going to a ceremony of this nature. By the end of the day I knew this was the most powerful and intense spiritual experience of my life. I wanted to return but did not do so until the following year when the doctors told me I had a rapidly growing fibroid tumor in my uterus and a complex ovarian cyst they said had to be removed right away. As the Path would have it, this news coincided with my ex-husband’s cousin’s birthday party. At the party, I went to her and asked her if she knew any healers. She brought me over to a table where Moon Bear was sitting. He took my hand and told me to make 400 prayer ties and bring them to Lodge the following weekend. I did so and received a wonderful healing (on many levels) and a life changing experience.

I knew I would be alright now but still there was that part of me that doubted, so I decided to have the surgery anyway. The tumor turned out to be benign and the doctors could not find the cyst that had been there for some time already. Now I knew for sure this was the Path for me; this was the Path that sparkled ahead and called like nothing else ever had before. I felt that if I did not answer that call a part of me would surely die and I would just continue on without purpose; without real life. I began coming to all the ceremonies shortly thereafter. I later realized that the illness I thought was the worse thing to happen to me turned out to be the catalyst that actually put me on the Path I was supposed to be. This incident is what opened my eyes and heart and guided me here and I am grateful for it all.

It would be an understatement to say that, since then, my life has changed dramatically. After a year of coming to ceremonies I asked Moon Bear to teach me and I have been his assistant and, since 2006, his apprentice ever since. During my time with Moon Bear I have had the honor of being the fire keeper of the circle and the lodges. In 2004 I had the honor of leading my first Sun Cycle ceremony. For the next couple of years, I was happy to fill in for both Moon and Sun Cycle ceremonies as needed. At the 2006 Winter Solstice/New Moon ceremony I was honored with the responsibility of leading the New Moon ceremonies. White Cougar, who had been leading the New Moon ceremonies, was splitting off the circle to make ceremonies more available to the people down in the Castleton area. I look forward to what new things the future will bring, meeting you, hearing your stories, continuing to share mine, and serving Spirit and all of you.


Many Blessings to All.   Grey Wolf